Wednesday, August 20, 2008

sidney_milf << a Fake and a Fraud

I chatted with this chick the other day; and ran into her again .. if she is even a she.

I took a break from posting here because for a while I was unsure as to if I am helping any of these women at all; They don't 'seem' to take anything away from the exchange; This woman or man didn't either.

Part of that problem may be that they are so sure of themselves, so stubborn that their way is Right, that it doesn't really matter to them if it's right or not; Often these conversations deteriorate into a match of Who's more rude, me or them; At which point the ... point is completely lost.

Tis the case here - this person is so bent on being right that they refuse to even for a moment consider how Wrong they appear to a thinking person.

Here's the conversation; I'll find part one a little later... so u can see how similar both conversations with; leaving me again with the impression that many women are just not getting it... at all.


chat-reality: hello
chat-reality: where are u from?
sidney_milf: hi
sidney_milf: l.a.
chat-reality: oh ok
sidney_milf: ?
chat-reality: i've talked to you before; you were rude.... you've gotta pic of a real hot girl, but no Webcam to prove that's you ... and you acted like a complete child when asked to prove it - as if people do not LIE on here All the time....
chat-reality: you went from Seeming fake, to Really Looking like a fake
sidney_milf: h wait youre the guy with the blog right?
sidney_milf: is that you?
chat-reality: it doesn't matter really
sidney_milf: why not?
chat-reality: you're that fake girl... and that's all that does.
sidney_milf: im not fake and you have no proof to back up your claim
sidney_milf: you have an irrational assumption but no facts
sidney_milf: im one of the most real people on here
sidney_milf: definitely more real than you
chat-reality: well, you have no facts either. Just a photo... could belong to anyone.
sidney_milf: except that I am me, and you are a stranger
chat-reality: and you're not a stranger to me?
sidney_milf: so I have more authority on the matter of my identity tahn you do
sidney_milf: yes, and if I told you you were a liar, you could claim I didnt know you
chat-reality: no, I have a webcam to prove who I am.
sidney_milf: why are you so angry, that's my question
chat-reality: You don't.
sidney_milf: who hurt you?
chat-reality: my identity isn't in question
chat-reality: yours is...
sidney_milf: neither is mine
chat-reality: and i see you're back
chat-reality: still looking for a guy to believe your bullshit
sidney_milf: in your world, lack of a webcam equals lies
chat-reality: obviously, other guys arent going for it either
chat-reality: online it does.
sidney_milf: ive had some wronderful conversations with some really great people here
chat-reality: a webcam only costs $20
chat-reality: u dont have $20?
sidney_milf: honey I have more money than you ever will
chat-reality: you define a wonderful conversation as a man who believes everything you tell him; and doesn't call you on your bullshit
sidney_milf: no bullshit
sidney_milf: in fact I caught you in a lie
chat-reality: you define a wonderful conversation as a man who believes everything you tell him; and doesn't call you on your bullshit
sidney_milf: you only have irratonal assumptions and anger, I know for a fact that you;re a liar
chat-reality: No you're just Calling my reason, irrational.
chat-reality: b/c I have Rational reasons
chat-reality: #1. People lie on the internet
chat-reality: it's a well known fact
sidney_milf: not ALL people lie on the internet
chat-reality: lots of fat women use photos of hot women to get attention; lots of gay men use photos of hot women to get attention.
sidney_milf: but not all
sidney_milf: not me
sidney_milf: im not even that hot
chat-reality: and yes, it's true that not ALL people lie on the internet - but because So many DO LIE ... People need to act like they at least, Understand.
chat-reality: you ... don't.
sidney_milf: if I was some gorgeous model it might be a different issue
chat-reality: You act... in fact you juts said, that it's Irrational, to Think a woman is lying to you on the net
chat-reality: That... gives u away.
chat-reality: that exposes who you are
sidney_milf: no, to jump to conclusions is irrational
chat-reality: You can't even acknowledge, that Its Possible .. that you could be lying
sidney_milf: you're not sying its possible
chat-reality: you instead, like to try to insult me, for Suggesting the Possibility
sidney_milf: youre saying its a fact
sidney_milf: that makes you irrational
chat-reality: it is a fact "because of how you're responding"
sidney_milf: no
chat-reality: The Fact that YOU call it irrational; Means you're Obviously a fraud.
chat-reality: another problem you have is, u like to talk WHILE other people are talking
sidney_milf: plus, you said you were going to "expose" me on your blog, and you didn't... Now who's full of shit?
chat-reality: you respond ... In between thoughts
chat-reality: you dont wait to read the Entire thought
chat-reality: so you end up giving fractioned responses
sidney_milf: dont hit return until you're done then
chat-reality: responses that apply to one half of the thought; but not the entire thought
chat-reality: So... clearly you're not very bright
sidney_milf: what part of your thought have I not addressed?
chat-reality: no one has instructed you on how to properly listen to people
chat-reality: So, much of what im saying is lost
sidney_milf: i could say the same to you
sidney_milf: im reading it all
sidney_milf: i know how to chat
chat-reality: simply b/c you're not intelligent enough to shut the fuck up and listen to people
sidney_milf: what part of your thought have I not addressed?
chat-reality: Lots of people lie on line
sidney_milf: ive read everything you've typed
chat-reality: if you were smart, you'd realize that
chat-reality: you wouldn't insult guys for believing that you are lying too
chat-reality: I mean.. so what
sidney_milf: you lie-- you said you were going to put me on your blog and you didn't. not a man of your word.
chat-reality: if you're not lying... if you've got nothing to hide, WHY act like you do?
sidney_milf: i never insulted you
sidney_milf: im not hiding anything
sidney_milf: i just dont own a webcam
sidney_milf: your ogic is flawed
chat-reality: yea
sidney_milf: you commit logical fallacies
chat-reality: you've got all kinda money
sidney_milf: *logic
chat-reality: but dont own a webcam
sidney_milf: i don't own lots of things
chat-reality: and, dont worry you're going in the blog
chat-reality: that's for sure
sidney_milf: i dont buy things I dont want or need
sidney_milf: good
chat-reality: you're a great example of what's wrong with the internet
sidney_milf: everytime you post a conversation on that blog it just makes you look like an idiot
chat-reality: So many people who dont chat, don't really know what goes on in these rooms
chat-reality: can't be all things to all people
sidney_milf: you think it's backing up your case, but you come off as irrational, misogynistic and frankly not very bright
chat-reality: im sure that I do look like an idiot, ... to people who rationalize that it's ok for women to be rude
chat-reality: i get that
chat-reality: i live in this society too
sidney_milf: ive never been rude to you
chat-reality: i know how people think; i know how women have been trained to think
sidney_milf: im fascinated by you
chat-reality: and I know that, for a man to impress a woman, he's gotta think "the way women want men to think"
sidney_milf: men can think however they want
sidney_milf: you just need to let go of some of this anger
chat-reality: you're right; calling me a fool; isn't rude
chat-reality: accusing me of being upset ... rather than acknowledging that i have a point, isn't rude
sidney_milf: yes, someone could lie on the internet
sidney_milf: people sometimes do
sidney_milf: but to accuse everyone of it -- what purpose does that serve?
chat-reality: sidney_milf: you have an irrational assumption but no facts << that wasn't rude
sidney_milf: what would I get out of lying to you about who I am?
chat-reality: sidney_milf: im one of the most real people on here
sidney_milf: definitely more real than you
chat-reality: that wasn't rude either
sidney_milf: "You have an irrational assumption and no facts" is not rude. It's a statement of fact. There are no judging words in there, no insults. What is rude about that statement?
sidney_milf: what would I get out of lying to you about who I am?
sidney_milf: what would be the point? what would I gain from this lie?
chat-reality: sidney_milf: honey I have more money than you ever will << that wasn't Rude either
chat-reality: sidney_milf: you only have irratonal assumptions and anger, I know for a fact that you;re a liar << that wasn't rude either
sidney_milf: if I'm snippy because you've been rude to me, tough shit. be a man, frow a set and realize that you brought it on yourself.
sidney_milf: you said i was going on your blog. I wasn;'t there, I looked. your words are empty and untrue, therefore you are a liar
chat-reality: sidney_milf: i never insulted you << lies
sidney_milf: i never did
sidney_milf: i didnt call you names
chat-reality: sidney_milf: ive never been rude to you << lies
sidney_milf: i'm willing to bet you will edit our conversations, too,
sidney_milf: i have the archive, too, tough guy
chat-reality: sidney_milf: but to accuse everyone of it -- what purpose does that serve? << i dont accuse everyone of it; I only accuse women with pictures of hot women, that are "supposed to be them" - who dont have a Webcam to prove that's them.
sidney_milf: what would I get out of lying to you about who I am?
chat-reality: sidney_milf: what would I get out of lying to you about who I am? << who knows really; Perhaps you get guys to Jerk off on cam for u; and you're either a really fat chick, or a faggot
sidney_milf: i dont want to see your cam either
sidney_milf: i just like to talk to people
chat-reality: sidney_milf: real girl, not a bot, looking to chat maybe more << afterall, that's wha tu say in the Rooms
chat-reality: sidney_milf: "You have an irrational assumption and no facts" is not rude. It's a statement of fact. There are no judging words in there, no insults. What is rude about that statement? << what's so rude about it - is you're Discarding my Very Rational reasons
sidney_milf: maybe more = if I meet somebody cool, maybe get together for coffee or something at some poiny
chat-reality: I made a very Valid ARgument
chat-reality: FULL Of facts
chat-reality: and you're discarding them, b/c you're more concnered with "winning" ... whatever that means to you
chat-reality: b/c in the end, the TRUTH is still there
chat-reality: you're a fake bitch, lying on the internet, about almost Everything
chat-reality: i dont even have time to read all o fyour stupid comments
chat-reality: you're lying about EVERYTHING
sidney_milf: what am I lying about?
chat-reality: you're lying about who you are; how rational my argument is, how RUDE you are; how Dumb I am
chat-reality: you're just lying left and right
sidney_milf: name one lie
chat-reality: and again, I'm just gonna use you to expose the world to how women are... especially on the net
chat-reality: Women.. and faggots
chat-reality: Faggots are just like women
chat-reality: call that mysoginist if u want
chat-reality: it's not
chat-reality: it's the truth...
chat-reality: people.. especially white people, have come up with all these words, and they're very good as spinning things to make what people say, SOUND like what they didn't say
sidney_milf: because I dont have a webcam, there's no chance I could just be here to have conversations with people?
chat-reality: and sinec white people are the majority, right now, that kind of thinking is accepted, for now
sidney_milf: oh, it's a race thing, now?
chat-reality: sidney_milf: real girl, not a bot, looking to chat maybe more << You lead people to think you may be interested in more than chatting
sidney_milf: i may
sidney_milf: if i hit it off with someone, I would be willing to get coffee or go to a movie at some point
sidney_milf: get coffee or go to a movie at some point=more than chatting
sidney_milf: sorry, dude, you still have nothing
chat-reality: which exposes more reasons to lie
chat-reality: more reaons to keep a guy around
chat-reality: Thinking he's bagged a hottie
chat-reality: who's eventually gonna meet him
chat-reality: months of his life get wasted talking to broads like u
sidney_milf: if I show up for a coffee date the guy would see what I look like
chat-reality: only to find out, after months, that you're a Fat broad
sidney_milf: if I did that and used fake pics, he'd know
sidney_milf: what youre saying doesnt make any sense
chat-reality: he'd know, After months yea
chat-reality: and there u go again, discarding my points
chat-reality: Valid points
chat-reality: insulting me more
chat-reality: talking to me as if what im saying really makes No sense
chat-reality: when it does; it happens, All the time
sidney_milf: why would I lie to a guy i wanted to go out with?
sidney_milf: if he sees i sent him fake pics he'll leave the coffee shop?
sidney_milf: i wouldnt get my date?
sidney_milf: youre making my argument for me
sidney_milf: youve done nothing but insult me, so grow a pair and take it like a man
sidney_milf: if there's some chance of meeting the guy in real life, there's even LESS incentive to send fake pics, because I know he'll see me eventually
chat-reality: why would you lie?
sidney_milf: yes
chat-reality: b/c... you're Alone
chat-reality: you have no friends
chat-reality: you have NO ONE to talk to
sidney_milf: i have someone to talk to
chat-reality: you'll go to any level... even LYING, for some company
chat-reality: right
chat-reality: you say you have someone
sidney_milf: if you want the truth i'll tell you, but you wont listen anyway
sidney_milf: i kept hoping i could get you to listen to logical sense
sidney_milf: but you're a lost cause
sidney_milf: admit you're gay already so you can get over this irratrional fear and hatred of women, and get on with your life
sidney_milf: stop wasting it with this nonsense
chat-reality: ahh
chat-reality: calling me gay now
chat-reality: but you've never insulted me
chat-reality: and you're not rude
chat-reality: i mean, it's nice to call men, that attempt to talk to women, till they find out she's not what she says she is... gay
chat-reality: that makes sense
chat-reality: i mean, if i was a faggot, why would I talk to women at all?


Not very 'adult' of her to call me names - I felt I had a point; I Felt I spelled it out very clearly; online a good looking woman with NO webcam; is usually lying. It's really that simple. Sure... it could have really been her, but the way she responded makes me doubt that very seriously.

I guess that upsets 'her' ... for what reason I don't know. I mean its' the net, She should know to expect that men won't believe that's really her, unless they're a desperate man, or a uneducated man ... perhaps she's searching for fools - again, that's IF She's a she...

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